Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
It is our intention at Oakdale Primary School that PE is delivered in a safe and supportive learning environment. It is essential that we provide PE for our children in a way of optimising not only physical development but that of emotional and good health too. We intend to deliver high quality learning and continuous skills development so that children enjoy and aspire to succeed in sports and develop lifelong skills in physical activity promoting healthy lifestyles.
Our school values play a key part in our desire to achieve in PE. Teaching children the importance of collaboration, to work as a team, understand fairness and equity of play as well as setting challenges to extend skills and develop a competitiveness flare. We understand the importance of PE, school sports and physical activity on childrens learning and development and PE is used to create cross curricular links. To link with our school vision of ‘A caring family of happy learners’, we endeavour to ensure that PE is available and achievable by all students.
We believe that children in EYFS should have lots of time to practise and develop their fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and co-ordination) as well as their core skills (running, jumping, throwing, catching and striking) these will be developed in a variety of ways a alongside their dedicated 2hrs of PE lessons.
During KS1 children are able to engage in competition both individually and with others, as well as being able to cooperate in range of increasingly challenging situations. These will be developed further in KS2 whilst children develop a broader range of skills and learning. Children are provided with opportunities to use subject specific vocabulary to help them evaluate, give feedback, and improve their own performance and that of others.
From year 3 through to year 6 the children will also take part in swimming and water safety sessions. These will consist of a 6-week block of swimming lessons each year. Additional lessons and support will be sought to ensure children can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a length of 25 metres. This will include introduction of a variety of strokes and an understanding and capability of safe self-rescue.
PE is associated with good health and well-being, and we believe the skills learnt during their time with us at Oakdale primary school will continue to be embedded and developed during KS3 and beyond.
Please find below further documentation to support the above.