Parent View, feedback and Pupil voice
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Parental Feedback
We believe that education is a partnership with our families. We regularly seek parents views on new initiatives and ask for feedback to further develop our practice and systems. These responses and the outcomes are shared with parents.
Pupil Voice
This is a very important and much valued process at Oakdale:
• It encourages pupils to become active participants in a democratic society - by holding school councils which develop skills such as co-operation and communication and encourage them to take responsibility.
• It contributes to achievement and attainment - pupils involved in participative work benefit in a range of different ways. Increased confidence, self-respect, competence, engagement and an improved sense of responsibility.
At Oakdale we elect a School Council annually to seek pupil voice in the development of our school. This consists of two members from each class. They are consulted on various aspects of the school day including the curriculum, health and safety and the school environment. This has led to new reward systems, additional benches on the grounds and vertical grouped special days to name a few examples. Whilst the school council represent the views of the whole class we also regularly involve our pupils in the evaluation of their learning so ensure every child feels that their voice is valued and considered. Governors also gain pupil voice during their visits to gain the view of what life is like at Oakdale through the eyes of the child.