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Computing Curriculum at Oakdale

Our children are growing up in a world where technologies are ever-changing the way that we live, work and socialise. With technology playing such a significant role in today’s society, it is important that children are equipped with the skills they need to use technology effectively and safely. Computing is a tool that can be used across the curriculum and therefore children should explore the creative side of computing alongside the general use of technologies, remaining safe whilst doing so.


Computing at Oakdale Primary School should provide a diverse and robust range of learning experiences in order to ensure that children are confident and secure with using technology, understand how it is used for a variety of purposes and how to stay safe while using it. They will explore the creative side of computing, including the production of art, presentations and simple games, in conjunction with safe internet use, coding and how computers and ICT systems work. This knowledge is explored in regular Computing lessons where skills are developed from early device usage in Reception to higher level content creation in Year 6. We want our children to be digitally literate so they can be active participants in the digital world during and beyond their time with us at Primary School.

How Computing is taught

Our computing is taught through the Chris Quigley Essentials curriculum, covering the 4C’s;

  • Connecting (E-safety)
  • Communicating
  • Coding (Programming)
  • Collecting (Databases)

This is supplemented with units from Teach Computing to ensure full curriculum coverage across each key stage.

Ipads are used predominantly across EYFS and Year 1, whilst Chromebooks are used by Years 2 through 6 in regular computing lessons to cover the curriculum milestones. ICT is also used across other subjects as appropriate.

Most computing sessions consist of a whole class demo, independent or paired practice and some small group work or paired evaluation.

Google classroom is used confidently across the school by both staff and children with both classwork and homework being set through this platform. Policies and codes of conduct are in place to ensure safe use and this is regularly reviewed and updated when necessary.


All Children and members of staff have access to Gooseberry Planet, an award-winning educational platform designed to educate children, teachers and parents about online safety. Children are taught about the importance of online safety and then share their knowledge through a series of online, play-based challenges.


Through the explicit teaching of the Computing skills, both the teachers and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the lesson. Teachers can then make assessment judgements that are recorded and used for future learning.

Useful websites for learning at home.