We use an acorn, sapling and oak tree system when we assess against learning objectives. Work is marked to evidence the outcome in books.
Guidance for parents on National Curriculum Assessment
End of year… |
Well below expectation |
Below expectations |
National expectation |
Above expectation |
Reception |
Emerging (Not yet achieving Early Learning Goals) |
Expected (Early Learning Goals) |
Exceeded (Working on National Curriculum levels) |
Year 1-6 |
Your child is working below the expected range
Your child is working well within the expected range for their age
Your child has a strong understanding of the concepts taught this year and has been working on extension activities to further develop their problem-solving skills (mastery) |
Oakdale Terms |
The strength of the curriculum is that every child has the opportunity to become an oak tree within individual sessions or at key assessment points. Our curriculum is inclusive and our groupings are mostly mixed ability.
Below is the outcome expectation for each year group.