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About Us

Welcome To Oakdale Primary- A caring family of happy learners

Oakdale is a friendly primary school with a unique family feel. We pride ourselves on outstanding pastoral care and support.

Our curriculum is exciting and inspiring offering the children a wealth of first hand experiences and opportunities.

In addition to this we provide a range of extra curricular clubs and activities for the children which encourage them to make decisions about their learning as well as developing their interests and skills.

We value good manners, politeness and expect high standards of behaviour. Our core values are embedded in every aspect of school life: Care, Challenge, Collaborate, Respect and Aspiration. 

We enjoy welcoming parents, governors and families into our thriving Oakdale community. Our close links with these groups are key to our successes. 

 One parent commented that the school provides a ‘welcome and sense of warmth’ to parents and pupils alike. This sentiment was echoed on several further occasions during the inspection. Ofsted 2016

Oakdale Primary is a friendly school. One parent told the inspector: ‘It is a lovely welcoming school where my little boy is well supported. He is always given lots of encouragement.’ Its warm ethos helps pupils to feel happy and safe in school. Ofsted 2021

Explore our website and see how much fun we have!!!

I.Wrigley, Headteacher.